Young people are turning their backs on the traditional part-time jobs

Young people are turning their backs on the traditional part-time jobs

It seems that for many young people in 2015 the old-fashioned concepts of part-time work and working an entry-level job to climb the career ladder have disappeared – and nowhere is this more evident than in the hospitality sector.

A recent report from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills proclaimed the death of the Saturday job, with only 18% of 16- to 17-year-olds found to be holding down a part-time job in order to support their studies in 2014. This is a drastic drop when compared to 42% in 1997.

According to the report, there are three main reasons why fewer young people than ever are combining work with study: there are fewer opportunities for them to get part-time jobs, incorporating work into study timetables is challenging, and increasingly they prefer to focus solely on their studies.